fredag den 21. december 2007

Oddset på nettet

Har du en lille indre drengerøv i dig, som trænger til at blive lukket lidt ud, engang i mellem? Har du hang til fodbold og sport, set fra sofa perspektiv? Så skulle du tage at se lidt på oddset nye site, som skiller sig markant ud fra andre sportsrelaterede sites. Så har jeg vidst ikke sagt for meget ;-)

This is drawn from a hidden folder

Sustainability Of Fisheries Energy:

The worldwide Fish Catch peaked in 1989 at 100 million metric tons. Since 1989, the seafood catch per person has fallen by 2 percent per year. Marine biologists at the Food and Agriculture Organization report that all 17 of the major oceanic fisheries are being fished at or beyond capacity. Nine are in a state of collapse.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - Bard - court

torsdag den 20. december 2007


Now, this is what I call an interesting concept: You can earn money with your blog by doing.... - What you are already doing. Evaluate something in honest language. Perhaps the subject is not anywhere near the theme of your blog but then- when has it been a bad thing to open up ones mind? Take this topic as an example: It has absolutely nothing to do with overpopulation BUT IT IS WORTH A STAGGERING TEN DOLLARS. Ten dollars may not seem much to you, but take into consideration the amount of effort I have put into it. This is super well paid!!

onsdag den 19. december 2007

Sustainability Of Soil Energy

The rise in Grain Yield per hectare is slowing in all major grain-producing regions. Since 1984, grain output per person has fallen on average by .6 percent per year. In 1998, the per capita grain output further declined to 695 pounds, this is an 8 percent decline from the peak in 1984 when the per capita grain output was 755 pounds. The slower growth in world grain harvest is due to the lack of new land and slower growth in irrigation and fertilizer use. Irrigated area per person, after expanding by 30 percent from 1950 until 1978, has declined by 4 percent. Since then the growth in the irrigated area has fallen behind that of population. With biotechnology neither providing nor promising any dramatic breakthrough in raising yields, there is little hope for restoring growth in food output.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - nanotech - skatecamp

torsdag den 29. november 2007


In the following topics we will find the major factors that have caused our population to peak in 1987 with 87 million more people added and decline on average by 2.1 million less people per year over the last more than 15 years.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - potter - jason

mandag den 19. november 2007


Why did the exponential growth of human population peak in 1987? Why has our population been going down every year since? Why is our population declining more each year than the preceeding one? Why is this crashing slowdown in our population happening? And why will our population reach zero population growth somewhere between the years 2020 and 2029?

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - fart - disaster

mandag den 5. november 2007


3.6 billion people are barely getting enough to eat with more than 1 billion of them in total abject poverty. And let us not forget that somewhere between 10 and 30 million children die every year of the worst possible death, starvation and starvation related diseases.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - area51 - illusion

fredag den 19. oktober 2007

Alarming facts

On the other hand this is bad because we have yet to recognize the alarming facts that for the last 20 years we have passed the sustainable food limits that Earth can produce relative to population. This plus our population is going down faster and faster each year for 13 straight years.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - area51 - illusion

torsdag den 11. oktober 2007

Wake up call

Our crashing population is both good and bad. It is good because these numbers show the indisputable evidence of the collapse that has been under way now for the past at least 15 years. This is the ultimate wake up call for Homo Sapiens. If there were ever a sign to take a long hard look at what we as a species are doing to all of the life sustaining ecosystems on Earth, this is it.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - folkets hus - solar

fredag den 28. september 2007

population crash

The true reasons why our population is crashing is we have passed our sustainable limits for both of our major food energy sources, grains and fish, as well as very quickly reaching our fresh water limits. This awareness is not what the capitalistic economic system powers that be want you to know. It would be bad for their business.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - tsunami - invest

fredag den 14. september 2007

zero population growth

Perhaps the powers that be have an interest in keeping you thinking we can expand forever, implying that the Earth's resources are limitless. Perhaps the capitalistic economic system that rules Earth does not want to let you know the truth about our crashing population and that we will reach zero population growth very shortly.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - fat - rfp

mandag den 3. september 2007


If you take a look at the 2 charts we have produced from the United Nations year by year population figures you can see the declines for yourself. Our population has been going down faster for the last 6 years than even their low numbers for reaching zero population growth in 2038 @ 7.47 billion. This is shown by their low number for January 1, 2000 which is 6,027,534,000, yet on October 12, 1999 they said we reached 6,000,000,000. We could not have added 27,534,000 people in 80 days. We actually added 13,880,000 to make it 6,013,880,000 in the last 80 days of 1999. What this all means is we will reach zero population growth somewhere between 2020 @ 6.64 billion and 2029 @ 6.90 billion.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - eating disorder - world hunger

søndag den 19. august 2007


People that are somewhat aware of human population numbers are talking about the 8.9 billion in 2050. Some people are saying it will go higher and a few foolhearty cornucopians are still saying that our population is nearly limitless. All the while no one seems to be looking at nor talking about their low number which has constantly been reduced for the last 13 years. When the United Nations meets again this fall, the projected high, average and low numbers will be reduced once again.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - hitchhiker guide - hex

søndag den 12. august 2007

Reduced projected average population

When demographers from the United Nation's did their biennial update of world population numbers in October of 1998 they reduced their projected average population for 2050 from 9.4 billion to 8.9 billion. They also reduced their low number, saying we will reach zero population growth in 2038 @ 7.47 billion.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - boyass - teambuilding

mandag den 30. juli 2007


The decline of human population has been even more dramatic over the last 6 years. In 1994 we added 78.5 million more people. This is a decline of 3 million less people added per year. If we maintain this 6 year average of 3 million less people added per year, we will peak in population reaching zero population growth in 2020 with 6.64 billion people.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - ekko - abstrakt

mandag den 16. juli 2007

Exponential growth

The exponential growth of human population peaked in 1987. That year 87.01 million more people were added to the Earth. Since 1987, the population has declined on average by 2.1 million less people added per year. In the year of 2000 the population increased by little over 60 million people. If we maintain this 13 year average of 2.1 million less people added per year, we will peak in population reaching zero population growth in 2029 with 6.90 billion people.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - hitler - kaos komme

lørdag den 30. juni 2007


Dear Citizen of Earth

The human population of Earth reached 1 billion in 1804, 2 billion in 1927, 3 billion in 1959, 4 billion in 1974 and 5 billion in late 1986. Last year on October 12th 1999, the human population of Earth reached 6 billion. In my lifetime the population has doubled from 3 billion in 1959 to the 6,034,213,000 today. This doubling of population which occured over the last 40 years will never come close to happening again.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - miljø - erectus